Hunyadi János Elementary School has been an Accredited Excellent Talent Point since   2010 and a European Talent Point since 2016, although it has done its best to support talented children for a much longer time.

Our talent supporting community works on the following fields: musical, physical and kinesthetic, language and interpersonal, scientific and logical-mathematical fields.

Our main objective is to help our gifted students realise their potentials and provide them with opportunities to develop and test their skills. Students can prepare and take part in regional, national and international competitions and contests individually or in groups. Many of them have achieved outstanding success in the fields listed above.

Our Talent Point has developed different types of cooperation with local and national Talent Points and Talent Support Centres. We have organised and/or have taken part in talent days, festivals, trainings and different types of contests to strengthen the bond among our institutions. We believe that collaboration and cooperation with other institutions in order to exchange good practices, ideas and methods is an essential quality of a talent supporting school in the 21st century.

Our school is also part of the eTwinning community which is a platform for teachers working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate and develop projects.